DCYF Committees & Advisory Groups At A Glance

January 22, 2025
Group of people connecting puzzle pieces

There are many ways to get involved with our agency, whether you are a parent/caregiver, service provider, or legislator. Below is a list of active committees, councils, and advisory groups that work in coordination with DCYF. 

Early Learning

Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC)

Informs DCYF’s work to create a statewide early learning system that helps all children realize their full potential. Membership includes parents, child care providers, health and safety experts, legislators, representatives of Tribal Nations, independent schools, and K-12 and higher education. 

Early Learning Provider Supports Subcommittee

An ELAC subcommittee that advises on around early learning provider services, including licensing policy, WAC changes, agency request legislation, administrative concerns, subsidy rules/rates, trauma expertise, intervention and prevention, developmental disabilities, whole family health, and Early Achievers procedures and protocols.

Parent Advisory Group (PAG)

A group of parents and caregivers of children (prenatal through age 17) who provide a sounding board for decisions, ideas, and questions that shape the future of DCYF.

State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC)

Assists DCYF and other participating agencies in implementing a collaborative and comprehensive statewide system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers who have disabilities and their families. Members include parents/caregivers and early intervention providers.

County Interagency Coordinating Councils (CICC)

The advisory body to the local Easly Support for Infants & Toddlers (ESIT)-contracted early intervention lead agency, focusing on making services easier for families to access locally and on building community capacity for early intervention services. 

Child Welfare

Regional Foster Parent 1624 Consultation Teams

Committee that meets regionally to discuss issues of concern to foster parents. Teams include elected foster parent representatives, elected members from the Foster Parent Association of Washington State, and DCYF staff.

Home Visiting Advisory Committee (HVAC)

Advises the Home Visiting Services Account (HVSA) partnership and provides oversight and strategic direction to Washington state’s home visiting systems building and expansion of services. Members include home visiting providers, advocates, state agency partners, and other allied professionals. 

Kinship Care Oversight Committee (KCOC)

Provides a forum to exchange information about state policy changes, local initiatives, and concerns and monitor, guide, and report on kinship care recommendations and implementation activities. Members include kinship caregivers, child and caregiver advocates, non-profit service providers, tribes, and legal community representatives. 

Citizen Review Panels (CRPs)

  • Children, Youth, and Families Statewide CRP - Assists DCYF in developing and delivering policies and services to increase the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and strengthening families.
  • Racial Equity and Impact CRP - Assists DCYF by evaluating policies and procedures through a race equity lens. 
  • Prevention, Investigation, and Family Services CRP - Assists DCYF by evaluating policies and procedures related to preventative services and investigations. 

Passion to Action (P2A)

Statewide organization of youth, ages 14 - 24, who are or have been in foster care in Washington state. P2A members provide DCYF with input, feedback and recommendations regarding the agency’s policies, practices, and publications. Members are often involved in trainings and presentations to share their experiences of being in the foster care system.

Juvenile Rehabilitation

Children's Justice Task Force (CJTF)

Provides recommendations to DCYF in the development, establishment, and operation of programs that promote safety and protection of children. Membership includes child advocates, legal professionals, medical and mental health professionals, etc.

Washington State Partnership Council on Juvenile Justice (WA-PCJJ)

The primary state advisory group for matters pertaining to juvenile justice in Washington and functions as a common point of analysis, planning, and advocacy for youth involved in the juvenile justice system or youth at risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system. Members are appointed by the Governor. 

Tribal Relations

Tribal Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC)

Informs DCYF leadership on tribal priorities regarding child welfare, early learning, and juvenile rehabilitation programs. TPAC provides an avenue for ongoing dialogue on substantive issues impacting children and families in tribal communities.

Indian Policy Early Learning (IPEL) Subcommittee 

Assists with the collective needs of the Tribal governments and American Indian organizations to assure quality and comprehensive service delivery to all American Indian and Alaska Natives in Washington state. Each Federally Recognized Tribe of Washington State is entitled to determine one delegate by tribal resolution.

Indian Child Welfare (ICW) Subcommittee 

Ensures that DCYF and tribes are working in collaboration when developing and implementing policies, procedures, and delivering services. The committee brings together DCYF and tribal staff to discuss policy, WACs, and legislative issues and allows DCYF to hear concerns or tribal impact directly from the tribes.  

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