DCYF Parkland Employees Known for Supporting their Peers

Photo of Billie and Libby
February 19, 2020

Billie Reed-Lyyski, CPS Investigations Supervisor and Jennifer Lopez-Silvers, CPS Investigator, two employees assigned to the new Parkland satellite office were recently recognized for their exceptional peer support. DCYF staff in their local office experienced secondary trauma during the course of their day-to-day work. These two stepped up to support their peers through their experience.

Everett Caseworker Nominated for Child Passenger Safety Technician of the Year

everett caseworker
February 10, 2020

Before she even hits the road, Briana Glover, a caseworker out of the DCYF Everett office, always ensures she has a car seat properly installed in her backseat. It doesn’t matter the brand or model, Glover is well trained to identify the correct car seat size for the child’s age and weight and how to properly fasten the child.