Unannounced On-Site Monitor Visits for Licensed Child Care Resume July 1, 2022

June 15, 2022

Beginning July 1, 2022, child care licensors from the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) will conduct all monitor visits unannounced and on-site. The visits will use a baseline checklist that focuses on the highest risk Washington Administrative Codes (WAC) and those that are necessary to meet federal requirements.

Home Visiting Advisory Committee Provides Recommendations for Improvement

Young father reads to baby
June 15, 2022

Home visiting programs are voluntary, family-focused services offered to expectant parents and families with new babies and young children to support the physical, social, and emotional development of a child. Through the Home Visiting Services Account (HVSA), Washington State funds 44 programs with the capacity to serve about 2,800 families statewide.

Family Home Provider July 2022 Cost of Care Rate Enhancement

Dear Licensed Family Home Child Care Provider,

In accordance with the latest collective bargaining agreement with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 925, licensed family home providers will receive a monthly cost of care rate enhancement of $2,000 for each service month they are eligible beginning July 2022 and ending June 2023. Providers are eligible for this cost of care rate enhancement when the provider has received a child care subsidy base payment:

Subsidy Base Rate Increase for Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers Beginning July 1, 2022

Dear Family, Friend, and Neighbor Provider,

In accordance with the collective bargaining agreement with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 925, beginning on July 1, 2022, the child care subsidy base rate for Family, Friends, and Neighbor providers will increase to $3 per child per hour.

DCYF will update authorizations automatically. July invoices will reflect these changes.

If you have any questions, please call 1-800-394-4571 or email providerhelp@dcyf.wa.gov.

FFN Authorization Changes for School-Age Children Effective July 2022

Dear Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) Providers,

On July 1, 2022, FFN authorizations for school-age children will not change. You may claim up to 115 contingency hours in June, July, and August. The contingency hours are available so you can claim for the time the children are in care during the summer. During the school year, monthly contingency hours reduce to 35-70 hours per month.